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发表于 2009-01-23 22:06:29
Geling Yan says:
Correcting the Error
Greetings to all. My fax to China Film Group did not go through, either, so I have written them a letter. I doubt they will receive it before Chinese New Year, however. "dd dingdang" posts an item above that confirms that Phoenix TV issued an apology. Again, I suspect the problem stems from a mixup in the publicity department of the China Film Group, not to any malicious intention on the part of the media who used the wrong photo or on the part of the China Film Group. By the way, I suggest that I not be the only one to write China Film Group a letter; you have their address now, too, and can make your views known to them, and I urge you to do so. If they are monitoring the media, they may already be aware of the situation and may have started to take action.
Though I believe this was not intentional on anyone's part, the use of this photo is not correct, and it is not fair to either the late Leslie Cheung or to Leon Lai. And it has clearly hurt many people's feelings.
We'll be traveling during the early part of the Chinese New Year and away from all computer and Internet access, so please excuse me if I don't respond to blog postings promptly.
I wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year!
Lawrence Walker
Wed, 01/21/2009 - 7:58pm
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Shi Annie says:
非常感谢 Mr.Lawrence Walker 和严歌苓女士,从你们的回复中可以感觉到你们的诚意及对这件事认真负责的态度。我代表张国荣的影迷向你们表达谢意。
Wed, 01/21/2009 - 10:51pm
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Geling Yan says:
On Correcting the Error
Thanks to Shi Annie for your comment above, and I hope you'll forgive me for writing once again in English. To repeat what was I said previously, on the TV interview (see Part II at minute 2:45), Geling describes her experience of seeing Leon Lai in full "dan" makeup when the movie was being filmed. Since TV is a visual medium and simple "talking heads" are boring and cause people to change the channel, the editors inserted a picture into the interview footage, presumably one that they had received from China Film Group promoting "Forever Enthralled," to illustrate what Geling was saying and cause the audience to feel something like what she must have felt upon seeing Leon Lai in "dan" makeup. This picture was added during post-production. Geling not only did not supply the image; at the time of the interview, she never even *saw* the image.
I believe that Phoenix TV, in turn, simply used the image that China Film Group had provided them as part of the standard "Forever Enthralled" media kit and had no reason to suspect that the "dan" in the picture was not Leon Lai. Phoenix has apologized, which is right and proper since they made a mistake, but I do not believe they acted maliciously. I doubt that China Film Group acted maliciously, either: a responsible movie publicity executive would not knowingly send out the wrong photo of a different actor from a different movie.
Regarding apologies to us, I don't believe either the China Film Group or Phoenix TV owes us an apology, because they did not intentionally do anything to harm us. But Phoenix TV was nice enough to apologize, anyway, and we certainly appreciate that.
If the problem originated with China Film Group, they should of course apologize to Leslie Cheung's fans and take steps to correct the matter. So please do bring the matter to their attention, as I have attempted to do by writing them. If they have not already read about this in the media, then multiple letters on the same subject should get their attention. Besides, judging from the postings, I think most of you write Chinese a lot better than I do.
Lawrence Walker
Thu, 01/22/2009 - 12:34am
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Shi Annie says:
To Lawrence Walker
您不用称赞我的中文,中文是我的母语。如果让我用英文写作,我会感觉有点困难。不过读懂您以上所写的英文是没有问题的,我明白您所强调的是在锵锵三人行的节目中,严女士根本不知节目中所插入的哪张照片,这是在电视节目的制作中是常用的后期制作的手法。然而无独有偶的是,严女士在较早时间,2008年12月9日的一篇访谈中(齐鲁晚报,记者林晓峰)《电影比我的剧本跟好看》。使用的也是同样的一张白娘子的照片作为配图。图片下的说明是:“黎明电影中的扮相堪称惊艳”。这应该不是一个巧合吧,报社的记者应该不会自己去找一张图发出去吧。 如果是如您所说的,严女士的访谈全部是由中影公司提供剧照,图片的话,那么就是说他们通过严女士提供给媒体,证明黎明在剧中绝美旦角扮相的照片一直都是这张哥哥的白娘子。如果他们是无意的失误(奇怪的是十六年以前的照片怎么会混到新剧的剧照中呢),就应该出来道歉。如果他们是故意地”张冠黎戴“,试探读者的反应,企图瞒天过海的话其实是很愚蠢的,张国荣先生的这张照片很美也很出名。 |