



楼主: 午夜星空

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:59:34 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/08/22 06:23pm 第 1 次编辑]4 U7 D# h3 v) D+ _" x
8 L, |1 |& \6 e3 r1 D. j% U1 _

" l8 L3 A$ h  |4 U( u. l  U不久后,Hung 与曹立三参加酒会归来,曹醉倒床上,临入睡前,告诉Hung他对Wing的存在已有察觉。他半哄半威逼的警告令Hung 更加哀叹自己如笼中之鸟的命运。这时,她听到楼下有人轻喊自己……4 o  N& ^2 k. b6 ^
A few days later, Hung took part in a party with Sam. After Sam fell into sleep, Hung heard someone calling her beneathe her balcony.! E- q* u' W/ o4 P1 V' e7 w

- y+ [& A. B- x2 X4 d" z$ s+ a  o C9B1D6AEC1B530_1093168619.jpg : }% u; r5 v  n; u$ n; ^4 z
5 s/ N) A  G& u! Y7 V( @5 x楼下正是再次找到她的Wing, 对着楼上的梦中情人,他轻声地喊着:“I love you~~”$ u2 ~7 C5 f; v2 m
It was Wing, who';s calling in a low voice, "I love you~~"
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:07:48 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

原本是下楼来赶走他的Hung 不慎将自己锁在门外。因为心中的苦涩,她索性答应 Wing的邀请,俩人乘车来到山顶看灯河。" V% z  W. B. y" v' ?$ P
By chance Hung locked the door and could not go home. Also for her low mood she agreed with Wing to drive out. On the hill they stopped the car and watch HongKong with shining neon. ; B" j  Q. o8 s" r$ w

8 v" }8 ?2 L6 W) v& t) U2 \ C9B1D6AEC1B532_1093168817.jpg : Y5 n/ n5 g& v' B& V* ?
7 e# j% z/ J7 d( L2 K  S
1 r# {$ T" J1 T3 \6 J" zWing打开后车厢,是一个点满了蜡烛的生日蛋糕。他从Hung的朋友那里打听到了她的生日,特地来送给她祝福。
6 A: q4 N' z' A' f% r! ?Wing showed her his gift, a birthday cake. He tried his best to get this secret date from Hung';s friend., x+ J  v& Y9 p, O& R
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:12:10 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

$ ]3 ]+ g! V5 j$ z
! w1 E% I7 w( @; y& h: Q5 r* F C9B1D6AEC1B535_1093169323.jpg . }7 k7 f8 N" N6 ~
两人在山顶度过了一个愉快的孩子般的夜晚,可是黎明很快就来临。' B  I" V2 A9 Q% T. w  }9 s7 g
“为什么快乐的时光,总是特别短?”面对晨曦,Hung 显得心事重重。
+ D6 @" \4 H1 y! CThey enjoyed a wonderful night on the mountaintop, eating the cake, chatting and singing. But finally the dawn came and both of them had to go back into the real world. Hung sighed, "Why does the happy time always go like flying?"
7 F+ }5 O* Z) l- t, x( U
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:20:03 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

3 c) j9 c, I9 a5 `4 q  h
" ^/ Z* t+ {2 z* g% q$ A+ s C9B1D6AEC1B537_1093169596.jpg
. R; f, E& l8 T; Z翌日,曹立三因故前往泰国,Hung终于鼓起勇气约了Wing见面。原来Hung 尚有年老的祖父在养老院中,为了不让老人得知自己做曹立三的情妇,她希望Wing暂时假扮自己的未婚夫。. q. T( G; d0 u* F
The next day brought them another chance. Sam flew to Thailand and left Hung along at home. She invited Wing to go to see her grandfather in the hospital. Hung told her grandfather that Wing would marry her soon.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:32:01 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

; b2 l4 L3 y- }3 @  B
& h; G2 M% b6 @ C9B1D6AEC1B539_1093170460.jpg
/ T6 I0 E' d; j祖父自知年月无多,托付Hung 给 Wing,此时的Wing 早已下了决心要帮助Hung 离开曹立三的控制,因为他深爱着Hung.
3 a6 k# r# l3 {8 }  oHung';s grandfather was glad to hear this.He made a man';s deal with Wing and asked him to protect Hung. Being in true love of Hung, Wing accepted this deal.
1 N1 [0 c: ]/ j1 q" p
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:37:37 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

C9B1D6AEC1B5B5A5_1093170808.jpg & [" J6 Y: v# Y8 v- v0 @8 s
C9B1D6AEC1B540_1093170761.jpg 0 J8 H) r3 x; A

% d6 z& [. V8 d% _) d离开老人院时,Wing 凝视着与祖父依依不舍的Hung,Wing 决定回到香港便去与曹立三摊牌,带Hung 离开。 ' `! E6 w7 l/ |/ h7 I3 O1 @
8 G6 _( V/ \% W8 Y+ y5 a7 P
Looking at Hung';s face, Wing made up his mind to have a direct talk with Sam and bring Hung away from the vicious world.7 D, v9 ^1 ]; K7 ~9 M5 c
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:50:50 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

' m8 t" B+ z$ v: ?# _6 R0 }% q C9B1D6AEC1B541_1093171159.jpg
: s% _% `8 f3 r  b) S; C" s两人不巧错过了返回城中的渡轮,Hung 无奈带 Wing 到自己原来的住处过夜。
' y1 v4 o. y. q$ A+ tThey missed the boat to go back city. So Hung led Wing to her parents'; home, who had long passed away.- i; m% u+ ]2 N8 C% @( N

1 B- C( C2 r  @7 [+ C! T! z" W C9B1D6AEC1B542_1093171350.jpg " p" V' p7 i$ y$ h  P8 V( M! I4 ^. _3 B
夜里,Hung 放开心防,告诉Wing 她不得已装鬼想吓退他的原因。
" C" k( j; P" @( B& W1 ]! [5 L父母去世后,她因为无钱偿还债务及照顾年老多病的祖父,委身浪荡子曹立三,曹因为挥霍家产与曹父争执,不意将父亲误杀,而Hung是唯一的目击证人。也因此,Hung 认为草不可能成全自己和Wing. 但两人还是决定一试。! c! E' {/ \# j2 F" r) s
On the stormy night, Hung told Wing her story. After her parents'; death, she became Sam';s girl for her debt. She also told Wing a secret.Sam had killed his own father by accident and Hung was the only witness. For this reason she had to pretend to be a ghost to keep Wing away. For the same reason, she worried that Sam would never let her be free.
/ t/ l4 z! K2 S, O3 g
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 18:54:30 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

C9B1D6AEC1B543_1093171889.jpg # D* U) R/ n6 Z1 r: ?7 ?7 p4 R3 o
C9B1D6AEC1B544_1093171900.jpg 1 \; A+ ~  Z' Y  H9 ]
  m1 M# ~( F* O  [  I; h! u危机迫在眉睫。
% e) T* I2 [  h& S( c  N5 UEven before they tried to have a talk with Sam, Sam got photos from his men and made a decision to kill Wing. He would not let them be together. Wing and Hung was to face their fatal love.
! X6 g1 b2 w4 Z
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 20:34:09 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/08/22 08:39pm 第 1 次编辑]
# ^! b2 w# J1 B2 Y$ ?6 b' a2 s" F+ N+ Q7 e
1 Z; V# q5 B! f5 O
! t3 ^  @% T6 K& U( o) DHung 接到朋友泄露的消息,眼看无法善了,通知Wing 两人准备逃走。; g) j- x6 S" }/ d7 p
Hearing the news from her friend, Hung phoned Wing in a hurry. They decided to escape by plane.
2 ?" i' \7 Y2 O9 s2 T7 Z% J C9B1D6AEC1B546_1093178118.jpg
( c/ b  `& Q% z& J6 V6 X+ J& L C9B1D6AEC1B547_1093178135.jpg
  q# M8 {! n) |) gHung 好不容易躲过曹的监视来到机场,正当两人开心地准备一起远走高飞时,曹的手下追到机场,将两人绑上车带回曹府。
7 K  I& X3 j2 u! _Just as they were celebrating their oncoming freedom, Sam';s gangsters found them at the airport and they were brought back to Sam';s home by force.( y( v  Z/ l5 y: ?; E! _6 ^' o
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 20:45:12 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

( Y- \2 H) A  T! ~& \
& l' p6 N( T, c# i# n C9B1D6AEC1B549_1093178553.jpg
6 w. a/ s1 ]6 q. D8 k1 `曹威胁让Wing 喝下毒酒,被Hung 将酒打翻后,他下令保镖射杀两人。9 X( ^2 X# i# L8 O2 t; s
Sam attempted to let Wing drank poison, but the fatal wine was slamped by Hung. He ordered to shot them both.8 F# ?6 Z8 e; m6 q7 d
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 20:54:39 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

4 V8 s. t4 s% T. }1 D* R C9B1D6AEC1B550_1093178977.jpg
2 N5 ^' f7 _: P% G* z, @Wing 被打伤了,血流如注。但他们仍然坚持为了自由和爱情而战。& C: }1 d0 |0 F
Wing was hurt, but both of them fought to the most for their future.+ K/ T5 q. |/ m7 C3 L0 s" v) y

8 M& P( u- I* P9 b" s' Q% _ C9B1D6AEC1B551_1093179093.jpg ( ^, `) l1 ~) P% |: I
最后,曹立三误射中客厅的顶灯终结了自己的生命,Wing 抱着身受重伤的 Hung 离开。
  M" G9 F( F5 |: C0 k7 I8 Y( HSam misshot the lamp on the ceiling, which ended his evil life. Hung was critically hurt. Wing took her into arm and fled away.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 21:03:30 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

0 `. W# u' E7 |1 O4 J0 V C9B1D6AEC1B552_1093179307.jpg 7 ?- }. B# M0 N: [2 C6 \
虽然医生进行了急救,但Hung 还是因为伤势过重,含泪而终。失去了爱人,Wing 深深感到命运的戏弄和不公。* [5 _' j3 c: _) l3 o- F( R$ i
Hung died of incurable injury during their fighting. Looking at the tears on her face, Wing doubted about the justice of gods of fate.$ Q2 u% l$ m  ]+ S
+ j/ R" S: Y4 M: ^4 o他不由得想起 Hung 曾经的感慨,他曾经以为可以努力改变的法则:“为什么快乐的时光,总是如此短暂呢”…………) C6 Z; [1 I9 c
Wing could not help thinking of Hung';s sigh, which he onced believed that he would change—— Why happy time goes like flying?0 v! ^2 {! l$ C/ ~) S1 w7 [
0 c5 t2 i; x% c" U, z# x# X
                                                   -----The  End-------
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 21:05:22 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

3 ]) V  Z( G9 T: C这原本是一个悲剧的故事,所以,抱歉……
9 l% ?3 [; G( [( _" |1 ]下面是一些零散的未编入的截图,大家换换心情好了。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 21:09:59 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

' M8 C2 V- R" ?& i8 |, J
C9B1D6AEC1B5B5A5_1093179956.jpg 3 {5 B# C* E8 t
海报中的首选经典镜头。$ Y  g3 i6 S  p* b5 |4 p3 h
C9B1D6AEC1B5B5A5_1093180004.jpg 3 w6 f  _/ c# X1 ]  w/ r  q
- U# y0 i' i: w4 ~) [& i* Q
) w) M- }2 ]2 h% YThe following will be some pictures I did not organize into the story retelling. I hope these pictures, some of which are exactly interesting, will help you recover from the sad atmosphere brought by the fatal love story.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 21:13:25 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

% W4 N5 }" p9 t8 v6 ^8 }4 B哥哥的丰富表情:)
; g( N2 R3 Z" U! h1 _4 X- t8 [Leslie';s interesting faces
( J1 ~. M8 `3 y C9B1D6AEC1B5B5A5_1093180295.jpg
% w3 W6 P- q2 V( j* \8 A" _) B+ r4 }; \/ |7 K" u, a+ L1 h
C9B1D6AEC1B5B5A5_1093180362.jpg 3 ^4 e' V/ r! Q+ v
恐 惧  Scared
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