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《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

发表于 2004-08-22 16:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[这个贴子最后由wuwu在 2005/01/21 11:24pm 第 5 次编辑]4 h+ ~4 P% c1 O+ {" x# Q! H" B, d9 G
$ W3 }! c. p8 W1 |7 D: t4 b0 K# G- U
' `. F: \, R: R% _% X: z7 ]/ {
  : G# c8 Q. k& v  B5 j- s4 B
内容限定:电影《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)截图、海报、花絮、剧照等。& l, y/ `0 H& g- L2 g$ n
      This album contains pictures concerning the movie Fatal Love by Leslie Cheung and Cherie Chung, including posters, ads and other revelant photos about the issuing of the movie.
  L. N( n' B. P4 T3 r0 z; D+ A6 U' A0 p. T
9 U$ J  \% ]3 s& n- p' F1 f出品 Presented by :  新藝城電影 ' z1 h. \5 B2 |& `9 {2 n. F* a

! v5 ^% ]# M3 L* H% ]; ~導演 Director :  梁普智  Pochih Leung
- ?! D% w" k( {- j1 E) p; J9 b0 U5 G) n$ B2 q) g! T1 D! s: i
演員 Cast : 張國榮/鍾楚紅  Leslie Cheung/Cherie Chung
5 O8 x! H! X% J; S% B4 f- d/ V% T8 X# W! B
, u' I7 q/ @. J; G
2 H  I# j7 ]! C2 N      (A bright young advertising executive, Wing (Leslie Cheung) falls in love with Hung (Cherie Chung) the girl-friend of Sam (Melvin Wong), a vicious HK gangster.  When he learns of her betrayal, Sam hires a Thai hitman to eliminate both Wing and Hung.  The star-crossed lovers are finally forced to confront their nemesis, leading to a tragic denouement.)+ A7 y+ m8 c0 L! z; T6 }& g/ M
. O9 ^3 x) t7 n5 g  A, m
; r( z2 I% T0 x" e      片导演梁普智和摄影师黄永都是玩镜头能手,因此能把一个老式故事拍得颇有气氛,加上两位主角张国荣和钟楚红也具有明星魅力,将扑朔迷离的恋情加以浪漫化,营造出一定的娱乐价值。典型的公式化故事虽然难以令人共鸣,但部份细节场面拍出浪漫美感。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 16:34:51 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

0 V. M: ]+ |2 t* n; c4 l& Q C9B1D6AEC1B51_1093163636.jpg ( }: G- w) l# L3 B7 ]) n

+ K8 S* N1 ?! W) c; b& g, b# x片头 Starting
发表于 2004-08-22 16:38:32 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

C9B1D6AEC1B52_1093163755.jpg / \! \+ _% T, W% A
C9B1D6AEC1B53_1093163772.jpg ; V& H+ u* Q" V( z" U- h0 M$ f
6 X4 |2 W: s: Y7 VA bright young advertising executive, Wing (Leslie Cheung) drove to meet his friend late at night.  
4 P, b0 k& d7 W7 `* ^7 B7 [$ D+ R5 S# |0 F, V
/ Q5 B! e0 T0 d7 [7 R
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 16:45:17 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/08/22 04:48pm 第 1 次编辑]
* P" C; k3 {3 {6 g2 x  A5 C- ^9 F8 d0 [* v: N
7 V; D( E: m* e$ R5 K
C9B1D6AEC1B54_1093164494.jpg $ j! Q1 _$ A) O7 Y+ z/ _# }% m6 [
6 C: K  I, J5 T: B" C" b; L1 J7 z( A4 d5 K# m' a, ]; i
$ W0 H0 q/ E5 `2 fSuddenly he seemed to hit into a lady in white. He broke his car, searched everywhere but found nobody at all. He went back to his car but was stunned: a lady sat at the back of the car.
! W- ]3 P2 t9 L& v" G. A
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 16:51:15 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/08/22 08:21pm 第 2 次编辑]
) Q3 v$ k0 i3 ?8 ?$ b! M" n; W( A: H, d) F) u& x. Q% f

$ T" }6 C4 [2 H% G戚问女子要做什么,对方只说要坐车。* s2 F. ^2 d. Q
Wing asked why the lady chose to get on. She said she just wanted to have a trip but did not care where to go.
. s$ p0 w, s, I" F# `5 Y C9B1D6AEC1B56_1093176856.jpg
, i3 J9 Q6 Z! y5 a C9B1D6AEC1B58_1093176867.jpg
. ]3 K' r* e% Q C9B1D6AEC1B59_1093177085.jpg
: V  v/ W$ m. ^1 o; Y可是一路上几番意外,让戚更觉得她神秘莫测。# ?$ e: b  q9 R( o

! f6 J* _% L- E7 V- `4 U7 p$ nOn the way, Wing was more than once shocked by the mysterious disappearance and emerge of the lady.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 16:55:34 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

( m# c% F4 M& v8 l8 J3 S
C9B1D6AEC1B510_1093164558.jpg   R2 p) n  A/ t  O
Wing 本欲离开,又担心女子一个人夜半留在野外,只得带她一同到朋友见面的bar。
' U+ B2 a/ I  E C9B1D6AEC1B511_1093164787.jpg
7 Q" B0 @1 n8 c! Y0 o! y3 ~$ l7 ]
Wing was confused by the lady and wanted to leave her alone. Considering her security, however , he finally decided to take her to meet his friends.2 H" W  ?( ?& B
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 16:59:58 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

5 _- ^" g7 X: [
7 k- h* o2 q, n C9B1D6AEC1B513_1093164992.jpg
8 L" ]! w4 m+ F" P* q7 s- R0 Z0 r  w
* Y% c8 F! s) j3 n, b: K- V$ c/ NOnce again the lady disappeared from his sight. Wing realized that,unfortunately, he fell in love with this "stranger';.* |" N- N7 J& U, G- M& `
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:08:02 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/08/22 05:10pm 第 1 次编辑]
9 P4 \7 [- |% j- R1 X. r! g( f8 ^/ e8 Y( q- @# {
Wing 开始四处寻找这位女子,却四面碰壁。终于有一天,他在事故现场附近看到一位中年妇人手里的裙衫,正是女子当晚所着。便跟踪而至。" ?  C* C0 i$ T' v" N
Wing looked for the lady from then on but nobody seemed to have seen such a woman. One day he caught sight of a woman holding the very skirt of the lady. He followed her to a building and knocked the door... # M4 g" ~/ M# G

! Y0 n- K" v/ B/ j# s1 S C9B1D6AEC1B514_1093165257.jpg - X4 o8 o5 T5 h+ L4 F
7 w) X1 [* q/ ?" u( B4 T  r- g, \% t' ^$ \: a' N. L
不料,中年妇人告诉他衣服的主人半年前就已往生,并让他入屋看到女主人的遗像,果然是当晚乘车的女子……' f& ?( M; m& ~8 _5 L7 s5 m+ b8 w
The old lady told him that the one he believed to have met died half a year ago. He even saw her last photo.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:14:50 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

# s0 J: N7 Q  J- Y$ H9 d C9B1D6AEC1B517_1093165894.jpg ; `4 R9 g* F, i* y# y1 }" X
* a/ J- L2 H% f" o8 k
“这么漂亮的女仔,怎么可能是鬼呢?”, i+ w- N# B( X% V5 s
' f" n) x) Y0 m; s“How could she be a ghost?” Wing just could not accept this. Later he saw his own clothes lying on the tomb of the lady. He was hit to the depth." t. M. q5 M1 ^7 \6 _
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:18:16 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

1 g7 I& [1 ]( o/ U- S$ ^/ }& [1 _
C9B1D6AEC1B518_1093166169.jpg # ^0 p9 C% P3 y/ O
. b9 N$ `3 }/ t正当他开始怀疑自己真的撞了邪时,他在闹市街头再次看到了女子匆匆而过的身影。- ~/ w7 D- N, {7 v3 y
When he was about to give up, he caught the sight of the lady again in the crowd, under the sunshine.His hope sparkled.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:23:10 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

* F  I( q4 [; L  T! m% n/ R
C9B1D6AEC1B520_1093166329.jpg 9 F% Y$ B- N' n# s
C9B1D6AEC1B521_1093166347.jpg " f) c% O- s& E8 U* m) Z
不仅如此,Wing 和朋友再次来到公墓时,女子的墓前却是一个老妇人的照片,而他曾经叩访过的那一户人家,据管理阿伯说已经很久没有人住了。4 h' |6 Q. I* e  D% \
What made him more confused is that all the clues he once had found seemed to indicate a trick. Not only the tomb but also the house where the old lady lived just changed.
. V8 b" e1 G2 v8 k! f# \( X1 M
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:26:32 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

5 @5 t- H1 _* f9 r; D C9B1D6AEC1B522_1093166684.jpg
! e/ ^# A. J) _0 q& d- ~1 D C9B1D6AEC1B523_1093166694.jpg / d! J" `. d3 S
! _, u8 ]9 j! d
迷惘中,他第三次遇到了女子,这一次,他不顾一切地追了上去……, F; Q& e' V5 F; l
In his despire he saw the lady on the street again. This time he chased her and decided not to let her fade anyway.
- s: r$ e; I3 G/ u; e% j- ]. E& N7 d
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:31:42 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

他跟着女子走进一家专卖店,女子再次不见了。但Wing聪明地意识到自己找对地方了。果然,他用一束鲜花向女子的朋友换到了女子的去向。* v, t. b, h; j! u% c! u+ c; u
Following the lady he entered a shop, where he met a young girl who was her friend. So he sent the girl a large bunch of flower for the lady';s address.( y! z3 g  l. V9 |5 W- w
8 J/ y, K0 u& @' W. ]4 Q终于,历尽波折,他坐在女子的对面。# P! E/ s* [  F  |( h
Wing eventually could sit in front of his dreamly lady, face to face.- P2 D! _% m% F4 y/ c$ o, _" a9 S
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:44:37 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

C9B1D6AEC1B526_1093167315.jpg ' F# x4 V. L- z5 k

+ @# |. X  r+ G  W# M3 H- {女子冷若冰霜地警告Wing自己已有所属,Wing 不为所动,相信自己的真心可以感动佳人。6 U0 G$ B% {8 }1 M3 c# C
Wing was too excited to take the lady';s warning into heart. He had made up his mind to grasp her love.. h7 }9 ~7 T* G& W
. N0 [; ?# _8 q- p3 ?. \
* T% G/ K6 s/ B! |; S4 K9 k+ m* ~) U女子的男友原来是香港社交界有名的三公子曹立三。看到匆匆离去的Wing,他指使手下去教训教训这位不知天高地厚的“朋友”。
  q6 m: A; T8 |- CThe lady, Hung';s boyfriend was Sam, a vicious HK gangster. Feeling Wing';s love of Hung, he told his bodyguard to teach Wing a lesson.
: W/ w% h7 ^  V  a( c
 楼主| 发表于 2004-08-22 17:50:17 | 显示全部楼层

《杀之恋》(Fatal Love)

0 G% k' @, L! _, C+ ]0 E/ M C9B1D6AEC1B528_1093167959.jpg ! p' I) r8 @1 W
C9B1D6AEC1B529_1093167969.jpg 8 w- l7 c) Q" V$ `
/ z5 \& t# l% C
Wing 被人送进医院,Hung 突然出现。她再次警告Wing 忘掉自己。但Wing 的回答是“我一定要再找到你——”: B3 u( b5 K2 {3 x4 t3 n& w8 U
Wing was injured and sent into hospital. Happily he saw Hung come to see him. The latter , however, just came to warn him to keep away. Wing shouted out in bed:"I will find you again!"+ A* N. r5 a! @0 d$ Y6 {; w4 g
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