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My Little Airport-Tim do you really wanna make a film

发表于 2007-05-18 02:46:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

来自独立厂牌维港唱片旗下的 My Little Airport,去年他们的成名作《在动物园散步才是正经事》荣登8月7日叱吒乐坛流行榜第10位及雷霆播放指数第20位。
My Little Airport 最新专辑《只因当时太紧张》于9月出炉,新专辑依然延续清新的电子流曲风,仔细听过整张专辑你回发现新专辑的前一半部分歌曲的节奏明显要快很多,而后半部分依然延续 第一张的慢节奏。先行派台歌兼同名主题曲,是 Nichol 和 阿P 要告诉大家他们不独是一队只有打造舒舒服服、轻盈可人清新音乐的乐队。
其实无论是一人的 The Pancakes,二人的 My Little Airport或 The Marshmallow Kisses 或 PixelToy,三人的 In-Love 还是 Full Band 的大头佛,彼此的共通点就是在铿锵流丽的美好曲式下,都有一把带着少女情怀的女声主唱,甜美可口易入耳,够小品够Radio-Friendly,是他们的作品获得电台DJ们热播的一大原因。

My little airport《Tim do you really wanna make a film》
if you do wanna make a film
Why don't you start to write a script
Do you just wannna tell everybody
that you plan to become
cause's you wanna show your everythings
trust that no world no schools
you even don't try to take up a pen to write anything

But I do wanna see you
then make a film that belongs to you
And I know you are more than this
It's time to start it and make a smiling
yes I do wanna see you
then make a film that belongs to you
and i feel ? around
you have to start it but things go all mind

everyday indeeds someones pass soon  
and  cantroll with the friends are the  mitak day
go to they can do in touching where r they
that she disain't really wanna see a face
go shopping from monday to friday
i watch vcdes every saturday
telling me a stroy will be okay
but now should i could the end of the best time and day

if i said i feel happy
but soon times u rolls  ry
but u think that i have no sesifacting
and even wanna by stand u
will u be very angry
do u still wanna talk the grieve
maybe u just think no when and distant u indeed spoke
But I do wanna see you
then make a film that belongs to you
And I know you are more than this
It's time to start it and leave for smiling
yes I do wanna see you
then make a film that belongs to you
and i feel  around
you have to start but  mind

 楼主| 发表于 2007-07-28 02:24:06 | 显示全部楼层
歌词 找到了``好辛苦`
发表于 2022-07-16 17:01:54 | 显示全部楼层
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