



楼主: 午夜星空


 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 07:52:30 | 显示全部楼层


- q. V/ y8 W& h/ c9 F( }7 M C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096242624.jpg
5 @& n! q( n  [& L" o他邀请婷婷一块去看电影版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。7 z- f5 |3 ~/ j5 s7 c0 O- H
He invited her to the cinema.5 ]* v' C' Y( [: ?
0 I' B$ k+ z$ v& S. ]
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096242694.jpg 9 h8 ^2 {* M8 l
% r9 m# h! Z0 s8 ]6 A/ BHe invited her again and again~~~
) _$ o0 @" J) t; m" N! R
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 18:47:27 | 显示全部楼层


1 g3 b3 d; J9 K" o- }; u1 ~
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096281868.jpg - e( i" F- Y/ J# F2 O  ~
婷婷好奇地听着 Jason 的爱情观:男女双方都应该比较自由。2 u' P1 `3 W- w; S6 W( B
Jason told her that he believed everyone should have free right to choose their partner.0 ?" a* h" s, N) j& r9 w

7 I1 n$ T; R$ O" E, {' P/ A C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096281967.jpg 2 ~' B% B+ g1 x) a2 A  k2 C" v
情窦初开的婷婷,觉得自己已经深深爱上了Jason,而且,她相信Jason 也同样深爱自己。5 p, L, O' c( ?* M0 B; }+ z% O
She was attracted by Jason and believed that she loved him.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 18:53:03 | 显示全部楼层


' q3 Y, [( b/ O% L C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096282114.jpg
& J: H; c5 [2 T8 b《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的排演继续着,两人的感情也不断升温。# z# N. c" U, d: i* M
During the course of drama preparation, their love grew dramatically.+ I! B% x4 v1 a

4 y5 `% r9 D& N) O4 G) S C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096282227.jpg
5 A; o7 d! y+ C0 c这时,怀孕在身的老师去生Baby了,新来的男老师显得风度翩翩,吸引了不少班上的同学。( ~# x, Q. F4 g8 U; U3 K
When their teacher was to give birth to a baby, Tingting and her classmates met a new teacher, a young gentleman coming from abroad.9 e$ Y0 s( ?* K6 S" n
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 18:57:00 | 显示全部楼层


- k1 Y% m4 Q2 w2 U: t6 K
. X+ r; O1 P, {: S: Q' |' C' d8 j1 X/ W" c4 o
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096282479.jpg ; f$ H7 c% z; p
假日中,Jason 和婷婷在澳门。
- W8 P1 n8 W/ f5 qJason and Tingting spent their holiday together in Macau./ k3 K& j, \9 _9 M( E" F
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:01:09 | 显示全部楼层


1 K' T" A% m4 V+ z& @
6 P* V6 `  W& H7 V) A6 a" C+ n C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096282753.jpg ; J) [  [7 [4 ~9 r, ]
两人一起在大海边看夕阳,Jason 说,你永远也不会理解我。
& Z# |! E$ U8 Z" e6 P) n. LThey sat side by side to watch the sunset.! R! I* {% {- \0 @) |: h
"You';ll never understand me sound," Jason said.; i- y+ T& }9 \7 ?# D0 e# u  [
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:09:30 | 显示全部楼层


8 B" }  J1 l2 w4 e" q4 {1 z: \
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283225.jpg 2 Y# ]& M" q2 u# I0 [
6 q3 e* b8 L$ q, r4 p% M. s+ g
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283261.jpg 4 t! I5 u" c$ T; V9 s2 ^$ C4 q

; U2 G; m* @) h* K9 f$ P8 F1 Q* }, T C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283274.jpg
# X4 [0 }: d  k& K“不,我可以……”
3 r9 v0 L( O8 {4 @% aYes, I will.........) V, L  _2 p& M  N- D
在晚霞的余晖中,两人做出了爱的承诺。1 z2 u' `& {$ E# V) n; e* Y
They promised their love in the dreamy atmosphere.* _8 w1 [6 u5 ]% D6 M: q5 [
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:10:57 | 显示全部楼层


( \& \. H( I4 N: s. z+ A+ ] C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283399.jpg 6 O$ w& C& T5 Q( P9 ]/ A: B  v
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283417.jpg * e' n' E+ U* e# b7 ]4 `7 ?
8 I4 n& ]3 y' d. d! @1 O. SNow Tingting knew what the mood meant.
0 @) t, `8 F" g* j1 H
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:18:31 | 显示全部楼层


/ n/ I( s% b( G7 b0 @ C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096283764.jpg
6 F$ \$ \: \: b, j+ s然而,看来灿烂的爱情很快起了变化。8 x! t" C1 N/ R. W3 j
露露对新来的男老师很有好感,买了礼物送他。不久却发现对方只是个沉湎酒色的花花公子。* g" i& q! d, t1 V7 l" {
The romantic love soon got frustration.; ?! h1 @6 X5 }( Z2 n. y7 i- j. _
Lulu was the first to find out the new teacher, to whom she attached too much attention, a playboy.6 x3 U3 k/ v: Q% e, Z, K
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:23:23 | 显示全部楼层


2 C+ k9 M3 Z: H" C, N, [
3 D1 a& ?- }- k  c! m* Y C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096284132.jpg
% f/ Y: Y) s5 q& S; ]而婷婷,当她诉说着婚礼的憧憬时,却得到Jason 分手的宣言。  c4 G9 {8 T  B7 m5 e
And Tingting was faced with Jason';s decision of departing.4 R9 V6 o3 e( ^0 r" u
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:33:28 | 显示全部楼层


1 }& m( \% s- H7 T, ^; ~" a# b C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096284755.jpg & A8 F/ b, @' A3 K$ H& ~; u

" O! A; _) l3 f& A家境富裕少有烦恼的阿丧,也因为在Party 中饮酒过量几乎出事,在警察局里,父母第一次意识到了她成长中脆弱的一面。
2 h2 D  @$ e5 y. s- j  AAsang was brought to the policeoffice after the party. She was so drunken as to be in danger. For the first time her wealthy parents realized her trouble as growing alone.+ M; t% \6 H- S& n, `
0 l& i# O5 Q& w! s" d0 i& Z' ]
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096284777.jpg , H# f) p+ F1 h! p
1 b7 C7 Y  n+ i1 @& |7 S% O$ zTheir teacher came back with her newly-born baby, which gave the girls something like hope.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:40:03 | 显示全部楼层


( x% E1 V! L( M2 o, I2 \3 m3 d2 n
' ]( A. J8 l* }5 C! y) F$ p+ y阿肥到俱乐部找Jason,希望帮助两人挽回,却看到他已经了另一个女孩走在一起。' c! Y/ t, l7 C  D' [% H
% ?* _! w6 j# e: XAfei went to the club with Tingting, in hope that they could get him back.( \0 U7 a. z- |3 s0 q
They saw Jason with another girl.0 ^% l" t1 F- p7 T

- R, e" U4 j4 w5 S) U( [' l2 k) j. I C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096285112.jpg . a" {3 y0 }3 v
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096285125.jpg 8 U  y7 Q9 l# E! z
' `9 k& X) k8 ^0 r7 A——感情的事,双方都应该有充分的自由。现在的我,根本没有结婚的能力。
8 o4 c: o: f& A7 w2 e
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:42:51 | 显示全部楼层


$ n5 u  v. z: m4 Q7 C! ^, p7 g0 G C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096285264.jpg
  Q% m  e5 L1 _1 S7 g5 j话剧即将开演,婷婷却不见了,大家一团混乱,急于找人替角。
4 T3 A5 B# F3 B6 L; F  n" k/ GTingting did not come before the act. All including Jason were worried. They had to find someone for Juliet.+ Z' ~9 `; _( _5 l7 w" f: T

  R4 Z! F( n* R  _0 F# s" J% ]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


9 s7 p- A0 I2 o5 L5 ? C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096285421.jpg : `* q. E) r8 L* i8 f6 v- `& X
3 F, ~0 {, s$ q: x8 _7 C纵使伤心,婷婷最后还是来了。
( j$ q5 S0 j# H! F0 u/ W! x+ n' o在化妆镜中,两人相视无言,戏剧与现实,曾经交叉又匆匆分开。
- X. |* i8 e" G! BJust by the time of acting, Tingting arrived.4 `+ W3 O+ v! t) J' E1 j
Looking at each other in the mirror, none of them said anything.
& ?9 Z6 y3 f9 J; I9 SLove came, but was gone.9 J' |0 J2 y7 a; U3 _9 g
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 19:52:29 | 显示全部楼层


9 T1 u3 B: ]7 @0 {- t
6 \4 i7 i1 t' U; ~: I3 U C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096285689.jpg : I: \* Y6 a5 l8 `4 f
表演如期开始,到了最后一幕,Romeo问 Juliet,“你可不可以为我而S?”
4 p$ j0 W- q: n& U; S2 Y4 L( `幕后,婷婷的朋友都在担心,因为婷婷说过,她会在两人最后的一吻时,报复Jason的负情。
1 }2 F2 }! H; ^( h' A: k) D% |The performance went on as scheduled. Tingting';s friends watched with worry. Tingting told them earlier that she would punish Jason on the stage for his betrayal.
2 X6 }* c* L# m4 Y& J7 n5 U
 楼主| 发表于 2004-09-27 20:00:15 | 显示全部楼层


& ?. X  J+ y% b) f+ _! u+ [7 L5 i
C4FBC3CABFC9C0D6_1096286031.jpg 1 g% R; z$ e) n& M; E! `
但婷婷终究是没有这样做,她抱着昔日深爱的人,告诉他:“我真得很爱你,你知不知道……”0 |+ x0 ]- C0 e8 E% Q$ O2 i
按照剧情,Juliet 吻了Romeo 唇上残留的毒液,倒在祭台前。: l+ W& D2 O. |4 c* q( u2 D
But Tingting did not do what she wanted. She kissed Romeo and told him how much she loved him./ q0 I& ~  l/ F- h
Then the performance came to an end.5 F7 O  c+ Y7 Y8 k  |0 F% T
  a8 V! y6 V: m( O$ u' @不知真相的人们为Juliet的精彩演绎报以掌声和笑容。+ D1 J. j$ f8 A. E( P$ y8 h, P
他们没有听到Juliet的哭泣中,婷婷心碎的声音。4 U( _/ J6 c4 Q6 h
The audience gave applaudes and hails in return.; M: I: w3 Y" f2 s
No one really heard Tingting';s  heart-broken weep.
; w$ }( T+ X0 `" O
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