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' J, n: g* ]2 t: L% U# g. c话说早轮拍音乐电影,飞去法国取景的Crew,形容哥哥唔单止似哥哥,简直系全Crew人的老窦。
2 u- X1 S$ q6 T/ S, J# d有一次出外景车内,哥哥助手o系度用电脑输入一D的资料,系咁搞度成车『嘟!嘟!』声,车内各人都拍到身心疲累,唔好意思话但嘈。 3 b4 Z5 }' s8 x. X
* ]! T1 ~3 P5 l: E+ ^& c. i+ V% Y不只这样, 哥哥还会深夜十一点经过油站买消夜时,会失惊无神送你一条「温暖牌」热狗,的确叫人印象难忘。
$ f# B0 r" K$ r5 Q0 t. N
- r4 b" ~& m' m6 J$ v* L3 R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) t9 z' Z6 w. Z, kGorgor as caring as a father
5 {8 _# `" A" ?* S) Z: m: @& oThose who have worked with gorgor all said that he is a nice guy and he is praised for his kindness and attentiveness. Talking about his music drama, the crew regarded him not only the ‘gorgor’ (big brother) but a ‘father’.
. I- g& W8 o# vWhile they were on location shooting in Paris and because of the tight schedule everybody was tired and wanted to take a nap during the ride to a far away place for location shooting. But his assistant was busy using the computer to input some data thereby making some annoying ‘beep beep’ sound. Since he is gorgor’s assistant no one dared to ask him to keep silent. Gorgor therefore said, ‘why don’t you enjoy the beautiful scenery of Paris, please save your typing for Shen Zhen. Everybody laughed on hearing this (and feel grateful of course).
+ L. J* W& L6 f' l: _Besides that, gorgor would buy everybody midnight snack ~ hot dog ~ when he passed by the gas station. It really impressed the crew. , m' d1 v: M- c v5 P. J: U" u- b
' V* i; F3 Y% Z$ z# h! K* H2 ?