Thank you very much for your attention to a person who is almost left as "the other half" of Gorgor.3 T3 ?6 x# z& ]8 ]; R
In fact, few people can think about him and Gorgor from this viewpoint. It is worthwhile to spend 2 hours in listening the translation of your articles. $ \4 z+ Z$ x' B1 B$ }5 D! w) v
I am especially touched by the following sentences. * _* K; U! c9 f ]( j唐鹤德会突然发现自己不得不面对这样尴尬而残忍的现实:从法律上来说,他什么都不是。18年的感情,18年的共同度过,18年的细心呵护,什么都不是。5 _- p% p% ~' g3 v& @8 ]
下面引用由tijamo在 2003/12/13 01:01pm 发表的内容:. \5 x6 |) I5 m7 U1 r
) p& _$ S, ]5 r/ A+ a+ R) d( p) f
Thank you very much for your attention to a person who is almost left as "the other half" of Gorgor.' r# h7 O6 g. w# E: t- _3 X" }
In fact, few people can think about him and Gorgor from this viewpoint. It is worthwh ...