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[这个贴子最后由午夜星空在 2004/06/12 08:18pm 第 1 次编辑]
One by one, one after one. Those pictures were too beautiful to use word to describe. The factors made those pictures so remarkable were not only carving like of Leslie’s face but also the high qualification of those pictures. From that time onwards I began to make pictures.
One by one… One after one…
I would still remember how I made the first picture used Photoshop. I was lost! I was lost in the world full of scatter pictures of Leslie and the lost in the tremendous grief by losing him.
From that time onward, I start to make picture based on Leslie and other stars. Leslie wasn’t the only star I like. But Leslie was the first star that made me cry and the first star that constantly pushes me forward, the one who constantly cheer me up by just simply watching his films and interviews.
Anyway, I better shut my mouth otherwise this boring and non-lasting passage will never end. Here are the pictures I made since the first time I started to use photo.
I would apologize for the lacking of skills at photoshop and so the unreasonable lack of Chinese knowledge.
小午:答应过帮你找翻译,一直拖着,现在影集整理完了,我来帮你翻译好了 ^_^
好了,我想我还是就此打住吧,在我的长长的回忆录使大家都感到厌倦之前,(不会啊 ^_^ ) 下面就是我做的图片,从我第一次开始使用photoshop开始。