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儘管已死、未能成事 •(古德明)
最近有報紙談到演員張國榮,說 Singer-actor Cheung Kowk-wing may have died six years ago today, but his fans still miss him。張氏的確已去世,為什麼不說 died而說 may have died?May字似乎有不肯定的意思。
May有「可能」和「儘管」兩個意思;假如是說過去的事,則其後可加 have。兩個意思應取哪一個,須憑上下文決定。請比較以下四句:( 1) It may rain this afternoon(今天下午可能下雨)。( 2) It may be raining hard, but I must go(雖然下着大雨,但我得動身了)。( 3) Judging by the wounds on his body, he may have been tortured before he died(看他身上傷痕,他死前可能受過酷刑)。( 4) However cruelly he may have been tortured, he refused to betray his friend(無論受到多麼殘忍的酷刑,他都不肯出賣朋友)。
讀者說的那一句, may當然是「儘管」的意思。全句是說:「歌星兼影星張國榮雖然六年前的今天去世,但歌迷影迷仍然懷念他。」
讀書讀到以下一句,請問 be( not) to be意思是什麼,這句式怎樣使用?── Anna Freud tried to consolidate her father's works. However, consolidation was not to be。
Was not to be並不是什麼特別句式。 Be及其變體 am、 was等,作不及物動詞( intransitive verb),指「存在」或「發生」,例如:( 1) I think, therefore I am(我思故我在)。( 2) When is your wedding to be?(你們的婚禮什麼時候舉行?)讀者示下那一句是說:「安娜.佛洛伊德想整理父親的著作,但終於未能成事。」 |