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发表于 2008-05-27 22:11:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




感謝各位榮迷對四川地震災民的捐助。截止5月22號,由RED MISSION及聚榮堂聯合以”繼續張國榮歌影迷國際聯盟”名義捐給中國紅十字會的善款已逾20萬港元, 而Red Mission日本亦已籌得逾4.5萬港元捐予日本紅十字會。但是在四川,仍然有超過五百萬災民流離失所,無家可歸,還有大批傷患需要救治,災後重建工作任重而道遠。為此RED MISSION決定舉辦賑災慈善競投及義賣活動,希望繼續發揚哥哥的善心,幫助四川災民重建家園。




- Red Mission八達通卡 (印有哥哥肖像) 5張
- “All About Leslie” 日本寫真集 1本
-“慶”日本寫真集(原版) 1本

- The One and Only 張國榮 張國榮好友訪問及歌影迷懷念文章
- 張國榮的電影世界(一) 1977-1991 張國榮電影圖文回顧
- 張國榮的電影世界(二) 1991-1995張國榮電影圖文回顧
- 張國榮的電影世界(三) 1996-2002張國榮電影圖文回顧
- 我們的紀念冊 繼續張國榮歷年紀念活動回顧

請於5月31日或之前把劃線支票(抬頭”Red Mission Limited”) 及連同以下填妥資料郵寄至觀塘開源道77號業發工業大廈1期2樓C20室Red Mission 收:

姓名 :
競投珍藏品名稱: ______________________________________
競投價錢: HK$__________________________________
義賣書籍名稱: __________________________________________


請於5月31日或之前把以下填妥資料發送至所屬地區代表 (請勿先行付款):
內地: kk530530@hotmail.com / 发讯息至136-00347711
海外: redmission_overseas@yahoo.com.hk

姓名 :
競投珍藏品名稱: ______________________________________
競投價錢: HK$__________________________________
義賣書籍名稱: ______________________________________

R.E.D. Mission Disaster Relief Charity Sale & Auction
Extending Leslie Cheung’s Benevolent Spirit

R.E.D. Mission Disaster Relief Charity Sale & Auction

In Aid of Sichuan Province Earthquake Victims

Thank you to all the fans of Leslie Cheung who supported our fundraising appeal that ended 22 May. We now announce that R.E.D. Mission in collaboration with LeslieTong website has donated around HK$200,000 to the RED Cross Society of China. Moreover, R.E.D. Mission Japan has donated around HK$45,000 to the RED Cross Society of Japan. However there are still over 5 million people in the Sichuan Province that are still homeless and destitute as well as a majority group of wounded and sick that required treatment and cure. Following the disaster, reconstruction work in the quake-stricken region is of paramount importance. Therefore R.E.D. Mission has decided to organise a fundraising auction and charity sale in the hope of extending Gor Gor’s benevolent spirit in helping the Sichuan province earthquake victims to rebuild their homes.

Thank you to the generous fans who have kindly donated Gor Gor’s precious collectibles for the charity fundraising auction and sale. Proceeds from this charity auction and sale will be donated to the Hong Kong RED Cross for the reconstruction work in the quake-stricken region of the Sichuan province.
Below is the list of items featured in this charity fundraising auction and charity sale:

The bidding on Gor Gor’s precious collectibles starts at HK$1,000. The highest bidder will be the successful bidder.

Octopus Card (with printed image of Gor Gor)
5 copies

‘All About Leslie’ Japanese Photo Book
1 copy

‘Leslie In China’ Japanese Photo Book
1 copy

Charity sale of Gor Gor’s memorial books
Cost per book is HK$500. Limited copies on a first come first served basis.

The One And Only Leslie Cheung
Interviews of Leslie’s good friends and fans’ memorial articles.

Leslie Cheung Movie World Book 1
1997 – 1991 A pictorial review of Leslie Cheung’s movie world

Leslie Cheung Movie World Book 2
1991 – 1995 A pictorial review of Leslie Cheung’s movie world

Leslie Cheung Movie World Book 3
1996 – 2002 A pictorial review of Leslie Cheung’s movie world

Our Collective Memories Book
A review of R.E.D Mission’s past commemorative events

Method of Support

Hong Kong
Please send crossed cheque (account payee R.E.D. Mission Limited) together with the completed form below to Red Mission, Room C20, 2/F, Block 2, Yip Fat Factory Building Phase 1, 77 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon before 31 May 2008.

Mobile Phone No:
Email Address:
Name of Bidding Collectible Item:
Bidding Price:HK$
Name of Charity Sale Book:

* All unsuccessful bidders will have their cheques returned.

Overseas regions
Please complete and return the form below to their respective representatives in that region before 31 May 2008. (Please do not send any cheque.)

Mainland China: kk530530@hotmail.com
Overseas: redmission_overseas@yahoo.com.hk

Mobile Phone No:
Email Address:
Name of Bidding Collectible Item:
Bidding Price:HK$
Name of Charity Sale Book
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