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电视短片《岁月河山-我家的女人》[MPG/872MB] |
我家的女人(香港电台岁月河山电视系列) The Young Concubine(RTHK series The Heritage)
格式:MPEG / 大小:872MB / 上下两集共八节 [此片荣获1980年第十六届芝加哥国际电影金奖 / 第一届英联邦电影电视银奖] 故事简介: 廿世纪二十年代的新界乡村,封建大家庭的大老爷纳了个如花貌美的少妄却不加爱护,把她当作近身婢女看待,加之正室是善妒的女人,对妄侍诸般刻薄。从省城(广州)回来的少爷(张国荣)与少妄一见投契,怜爱有加,两人之间产生了微妙却纯真的感情,却不容于周围压抑保守的环境。两人有意离开腐朽的家庭,到外面重新生活,却被乡民诬告通奸。券妄首当其冲,被家法审判,难脱按传统恶例把女方“浸猪笼”(捆绑放置竹制猪笼内,掉入河中活活浸死)的厄运。最后,少爷愤而出走。 The Young Concubine has deservedly won much praise wherever it has been shown. It stars Leslie Cheung as a young progressive student in the year 1920 who returns to his home village and becomes embroiled in a hot love affair with his father’s concubine. Cheung at first becomes friendly with the young woman due to his sympathy for the downtrodden – a mark of his progressive sensibilities: the woman is treated more like a servant than a concubine by his father. But Cheung secretly falls in love with the woman and when the villagers discover their relationship, a trial takes place, presided over by the father and other village elders. The court sentences the woman to death by the traditional mode reserved for adulterous women: she is put inside a pig';s bamboo hutch and thrown into the river. Outstanding period detail and locations make this a stunning entry in our retrospective.
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发表于 2005-07-02 21:53:27
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发表于 2005-10-13 13:00:47
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