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3 y9 p" d" q% L" e" k1、哥哥在一日本刊物谈为什么接拍《春光乍洩》: ) }' p' P: S" I+ o# k' _
. T5 O( T: M. Z& f* q$ @3 Y"I think time of telling usual love between a man and a woman is coming to an end. Today, there are many kinds of love. Even if you two are men or women, you can foster the love between the two. It does not matter whether your loved one is a man or a woman. Since Wong Kar-Wai had the same idea as mine and tried to describe a love between men very fairly, I took on this role."
7 b, b+ O# C$ H+ \" u g
3 ]' `$ @5 }0 P( n6 N. d z我认为只描述普通的男女之间爱情的时代即将结束。爱是有许多种的。即使两人同为男人或者女人,仍然可以产生爱情。爱上的人是男是女并不重要。由于王家卫在这一点上和我有共识,而且他试图非常公允地描述男人之间的爱情,所以我接受了(何宝荣 )这个角色。
2 x, [% H# T! }+ H( u1 k2 f5 L ?4 A. j& y) G: H+ J
V2 a, W$ H9 \9 F1 n; l, `% b; p/ i s( {! I/ L4 K/ H+ [# r
* a. b! g2 _( [2 ^+ \) J) Y/ A$ F' @1 j4 ]5 q% K
"As Actor, Singer and Director," Hongkong Cinema World : ASIAN WAVE by Sozo Teruoka, Metalogue, 1997, p.118-119 & p.126. Interviewed date: 19th Nov. 1996.
, X$ j' }& K+ E& h# }Leslie Cheung
$ g2 V B4 d0 o2 K1 A/ ]- C( ]"Because of (the reason for acting in WKW';s film again is) our friendship (laughing). And because Wong Kar-Wai';s point of view was different from other directors in Hong Kong. Most directors in Hong Kong characterize gay negatively or pessimistically but he tried to make a new type of love story between men fairly. That is the point I can share with him and why I worked with him again. But after shooting in Argentina, I made up my mind again: "I';ll never work with him!" (laughing). It was really ';the worst time of my life'; (laughing). I had a hell of a time. It';s a job that you work with him. You always suffer from both physical and mental burdens.(...) He is kind of a painter. Even if he starts to sketch, he suddenly tears it and throws away when he doesn';t like it. Of course I think he is the greatest and unique director, but I can';t be in sympathy with the way. No one can know what happens during the shooting."
4 c! D6 l, H5 |2 Y
, _0 I! \( n' O4 ]# a再次接拍王家卫的电影是由于我和他的友谊(笑),也因为王家卫与其他香港导演(对同性恋)的观念不同。香港大多数导演视同性恋为负面或者消极的,但王家卫则试图公允的描述两个男人之间的一种全新的爱情故事。在这点上我和他想法一致。这也正是我再次接拍他的电影的原因。但在阿根廷拍完这部电影的时候,我再次下决心:“我再也不和王家卫合作了!”(笑~~)那些日子真是我一生中最糟的一段时间(笑~~~)如同在地狱一般。和王家卫合作是一份工作(而非享受)。你总是会受到精神和肉体的折磨(……)王家卫有点象个画家。即使他已经开始画草图了,如果发现不喜欢,他也会突然撕了草图并扔掉。当然,我认为他是一位最伟大的独特的导演,但我与他的(拍摄)方式不合拍。没人知道他拍摄电影时会发生什么。
' _ ~6 S0 R$ b7 o" j; p: H5 `3 h
"I';ve shown my naked body in ';Happy Together,'; though it';s a back shot. It';s a very erotic scene with Tony Leung. Kissing, f\*\*king, anything goes. Actually the film is a tearjerker, a very sad story.(...) But I think something sexual is necessary for screen. Everyone does it. So there';s no reason to hide it. Every relationship is natural even if it';s sexual, bisexual or homosexual."* v, F# `$ u( {6 o- T. F! ?
4 e* v. S2 K/ q8 ^( o% j) E
( F: J. F3 r+ C2 i' I7 b' i/ ^& z/ }( o2 u
3、法国Liberation对哥哥的采访 - r- ]4 a+ T7 I8 {, P
, C1 u& q# V! A: Z s) j, C
"Happy Together," Liberation, 23 June 97.
8 \# L2 K4 P2 t3 }Leslie Cheung& o% u0 |7 J) L
"I think it was hard for Tony. His role was difficult and much more introverted. My character was more like a butterfly, an explosive butterfly ... Wong Kar-wai misled us with a false story. (smiling) There was a confusion when we found it necessary to shoot a scene of sex between men. It is regarded as immorality in the Eastern sexual practices. I wouldn';t dare to look at the film on large screen, I just saw it on video ... But we were not completely naked. In fact we depended on our motion ... Happy Together is a very simple love story. For some years past, the directors in Hong-Kong who approached the gay topic always tried to draw gay as clown or immature, but Wong made it in a more realistic way. What convinced me to make this film is that he wanted a universal love story ... And especially that he also wanted two of the most beautiful guys in Hong-Kong! (laughing)" + t$ J6 r! } i9 B
0 o: C& t! h8 R
我觉得梁朝伟很不简单。他的角色很有难度,(人物性格)十分内向。而我的角色更象只蝴蝶,一只情感容易“乍洩”的蝴蝶。王家卫(开始)用一个假故事误导了我们。(笑~~~)当我们知道要拍摄两个男人作爱的一场戏的时候,都非常的困惑。在东方,同性恋被认为是不道德的性关系。我自己都不敢在大屏幕上看这部电影,我只看录象……但我们并不是全裸的。事实上,一切完全依赖于当时的动作…… 《春光乍洩》讲的是一个非常简单的爱情故事。在过去的许多年里,香港导演们处理同性恋题材时,总是将同性恋者描绘成小丑一般的人物或者不成熟的人。但王家卫以一种更加现实的方式来拍摄(同性恋题材的电影)。我之所以决定接拍这部电影是因为他试图拍摄一个具有普遍意义的爱情故事(而不是着眼于同性恋本身)……特别是他在这部电影里让香港两个最美的男人合作(大笑!) |