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the memory of leslie cheung, any fans in Europe?

发表于 2005-04-01 14:02:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"there is a bird without feet  in this world,he has to fly all his life in the sky.when he feels  tired,he sleeps in the wind.he
only kisses the earth once when it is time for him to go to the heaven..."
I was a middle school student at the first time i heard leslie's song,i was deeply moved.i began to sing his songs on the
stage when i was studying hotel management in shanghai institute of tourism and won the first prize of the competetion,
i first met him when i was working as assistant manager in the excutive floor in shanghai hilton hotel,he looks like a brother,neat and polished indeed,in a gentleman's manner.
he left us two years ago,like a joke of fool's day.i just can't imagine that he will choose such a way to leave,for he cares
about his appearance so much.he must suffer a lot at that moment.
to leslie,it is a release anyway.but,we are still alive,strugling to make a living.life is hard,however, i can never give up ,
always aiming for perfection as he used to do,like a bird flying in the wind...
May God bless him.
发表于 2005-04-02 13:36:07 | 显示全部楼层

the memory of leslie cheung, any fans in Europe?

发表于 2005-04-16 09:29:45 | 显示全部楼层

the memory of leslie cheung, any fans in Europe?

  呵呵,大概是英文的关系,没有人回这个贴的,有哪个英语高手帮大家译一下吧,哈哈    [USECHGFONTE]
发表于 2005-04-16 17:34:18 | 显示全部楼层

the memory of leslie cheung, any fans in Europe?

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