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18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-22 15:39:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在整理書櫃的時間,給我尋回讀書時代的一本英文課外讀本"OP STARS IN HONG KONG"。這書在87年出版的,內容是講述當時最紅的8位明星,其中的Chapter 2就是關於Leslie的。

LESLIE is melancholic, strong-willed and warm-hearted.  These qualities caused him problems at first, during the eight year it took him to reach stardom.  "We all want to survive; to survive in this business is a feat in itself," said Leslie.  To overcome the barriers to success he had to improve his character and learn to compromise.

LESLIE 擁有憂鬱、固執和熱心腸的個性。但這些性格特質卻為他在成為著名的明星之前的八年裡帶來不少麻煩、吃盡苦頭。『我們每個人都想生存;能生存在這個娛樂圈已是一個不少的成就。』Leslie說。然而,要克服種種障礙取得成功,他必須改善他的個性和學會妥協。

     Leslie';s childhood was unhappy.  "There';s nothing worth remembering," he tells people.  Leslie was born on 12th September, 1956, and grew up in a small but broken family.  His parents did not care much about him.  His closest relationship was with his nanny.  "I longed for love. I was all alone, by myself.  I did not enjoy the protection of a father or a mother.  I only hope I can gain some peace now," said Leslie, speaking about his childhood.

Leslie 的童年生活是不愉快的。『沒什麼值得記住。』他告訴大家。Leslie出生於1956年9月12日, 成長在一個小而破碎的家庭 (**我也覺得應該是“big but broken family” 即大而破碎的家庭)。他的父母對他並不關心,和他關係最密切的反而是他的保姆(即湊大哥哥的工人-“六姐”)。『我渴望愛,但當時我總是很孤獨。我沒有享受過父親或母親的保護。到現在,我只希望能過一些平靜的生活。』關於他的童年,Leslie這樣說。

     Leslie';s first entered show business in 1975.  He was offered his first contract by the famous and well-established record company, Polygram.  His first singles, Do you Wanna Make Love and Cupid';s Arrow were failures.  Leslie was neglected for a couple of years.

Leslie在1975年加入娛樂圈。他和當時著名的唱片公司”Polygram”簽了第一個唱片合約。然而,他主唱的第一首單曲<Do you Wanna Make Love> (**此曲收錄在一隻名為<Summer Special多多寶麗多>的雜錦唱片內)及往後的<情人箭>並未為他帶來成功,他被忽視並沉寂了幾年。

     In 1977, Leslie entered the Asian Song Contest organised by Rediffusion Hong Kong (the former Asia TV) and was first runner-up.  This success got him a job acting and singing in a TV serial.  However, this first attempt was not well received by the public.  He was criticised harshly, and was again neglected.


     Yet Leslie did not give up.  "I set myself a target.  I decided to try again for three years.  If in three years'; time my achievement was still poor, I';d quit," said Leslie, recalling how he made up his mind to struggle against fate.  He began to practise hard and improve his techniques.  This was in 1982.

至此,Leslie仍沒有放棄。『我為自己訂下目標。我決定再嘗試多三年。如果在三年後,我仍未能在這圈內幹出一點成績,我會離開。』Leslie回憶起當時是如何下定決心履行目標,向命運挑戰。於是他開始努力練習,不斷改進及提升自己的歌唱技巧。這時是1982 年。

     Then a miracle happened.  Michael Lai became his music producer and godfather.  Michael started to shape Leslie, helping him to appreciate and create great music.  Together they fashioned a new romantic image for Leslie.

然後奇蹟發生了。Michael Lai (黎小田) 成為了Leslie的唱片音樂監製和乾爹。Michael開始重新打造Leslie,幫助他去領悟和創怍好的音樂。終於他們為Leslie塑造了一個既時尚且浪漫的新形象。

     1983 was a turning point in Leslie';s life.  The famous record company, Capital Artists, released his debut album, Restless Breeze, which was a big hit with many young girls.  The next album,Thanks Monica, won him even more admirers, from the very young to song-lovers of the older generation.  Critics, too, began to accept him, and complimented him on his first platinum disc, which was called Thanks Monica.  Next he took part in two TV drama serials on TVB Jade, Once Upon an Ordinary Girl and The Fallen Family.  In both stories he appeared as a romantic hero.  The TV audience began to accept Leslie as a symbol of romance.

1983 年是Leslie演藝生命中的一個轉折點。 “華星唱片”- 著名的唱片公司, 首張為Leslie發行的專輯<風繼續吹>,成為許多年輕女孩的心中的熱門唱片。往後的專輯<張國榮Leslie(Monica)>,更為他贏取了更加多的愛慕者, 其樂迷的年齡層面由非常年輕的以至年長的也有。同樣地,從前的評論家開始接納他,更讚揚他獲得第一隻白金唱片銷量成績的專輯<張國榮Leslie(Monica)>。之後,他接拍了無線電視的兩部電視連續劇,一是四十年代的<儂本多情>,另一是古裝武俠劇<武林世家>。這兩部電視劇把他塑造成為一個浪漫英雄,電視觀眾也開始接受Leslie這個浪漫的形象。

     Leslie believes that a good melody is always popular and a really good love song will never die.  Together with Michael Lai, Leslie began searching for suitable lyrics.  Their efforts were rewarded.  Three songs in the album Loving You - Fickle Love, Young Girls'; Dream and I Do - won him trophies in The Best Ten Gold Discs of 1985.

Leslie 相信一首好的曲調永遠會流行,而一首好的情歌更可永世的傳頌下去。於是他與Michael一起開始尋找填詞人為其樂曲譜上合適的歌詞。他們的努力終於得到回報了。Leslie 另一張專輯<為妳鍾情>內的三首作品<不羈的風>、<少女心事>及<我願意>獲得1985年十大金曲的榮譽 (**如沒記錯的話,這應是“1985年十大勁歌金曲季選”的得奬歌曲)。

     Leslie was now in an enviable position.  The prize presentation for The Best Ten Gold Discs of 1985 was held during one of Leslie';s own concerts.  Hundreds of his fans shared the success and the glory of this moment.  Just imagine the scene backstage, where crowds of reporters and cameras scrambled for Leslie';s attention.  Hours before Leslie arrived, crowds of screaming girls were besieging the atage door.  It was quite a problem for Leslie to reach his dressing-room.  His fans alll wanted a piece of their idol, and swarmed around him the moment he appeared.  And Leslie didn';t want to offend anyone.

Leslie 現在已處於一個令人羨慕的位置。 那1985年十大金曲的奬項,就在他的個人演唱會的進行期間頒贈予他。在那一刻,上百位的歌迷、支持者和他一起分享了這份成功和榮耀。請想像一下後台的場面,大群的記者擠滿了後台,他們各自拿著照相機,蜂擁而上的爭著為Leslie做訪問、拍照。在Leslie 到達表演塲館的幾小時前, 舞台門前早已被一大群熱情的女孩團團的圍繞起來。這使他在到達塲館後,如何走進更衣室也成為一個相當的問題。所有擁戴Leslie的歌迷,都希望能近距離接觸到其偶像。故此,每次Leslie的出現,也許只是片刻的時間,歌迷們都會團團的把他圍著,擠得水洩不通,這時候Leslie亦不想冒犯或觸怒任何人。

     These ten sell-out conerts brought Leslie several million dollars.  He had now become the city';s favourite pop star.  Magazines and newspapers clamoured for interviews, letters from admirers poured in, photographs of Leslie were pinned up everywhere.  And critics started to find fault with him.


     Luckily Leslie had always been sensible, and had stayed away from bad habits.  The critics could find nothing to complain about in his behaviour and image.  "I don';t take drugs and I don';t drink, because there things can make life difficult for someone who has to get on stage.  One has to keep fit in order to stay on in this business, because it is a business that demands a lot of physical exertion," Leslie explained.

幸宜Leslie 總能憑著其敏銳的觸覺,遠離那些壞習慣。那些希望找他缺點的評論家,未能在他的行為和形象上發現任何過錯。『我不吸毒亦不會酗酒,因為這些東西會影響我們在舞台上的演出。如果想繼續在這個行業中工作,你必須做多些有益的運動,好好鍛鍊身體,因為這份工作需要大量的體力去應付的。』Leslie 這樣的解釋。

     In 1986, Leslie attempted something new when he acted as Master of Ceremonies at the Miss Hong Kong Pageant.  He also turned in a good performance in one of the popular movies of the year, A Better Tomorrow, produced by Cinema City.  The film was entered for the Golden Horse Awards, but Leslie didn';t win anything this time.

1986 年 Leslie首次擔任“香港小姐”選舉的司儀。除此以外,他還參與演出了一部由新藝城電影公司製作,在該年度非常賣座的電影<英雄本色>。這電影更被挑選入圍角逐金馬獎,可惜Leslie未能在是次選舉中贏取到什麼奬項。

     Also in 1986 Leslie altered his sytle.  He changed from gentle ballads to heavy rock and roll music.  "There are things in this music," Leslie pondered.  "There is real emotion, real joy, real passion, a kind of real hope that I long for.  Rock ';n'; roll gives me a sense of wonderment; it provides both a dream and a direct channel to fulfill that dream."  Leslie';s next song Stand Up, which won him a gold disc, was representative of his new style.  Leslie became not just an upholder of the rock ';n'; roll heritage, but a living celebration of it.

同樣在1986 年Leslie轉變了他的歌唱風格。由從前著重輕柔、抒情的音樂路線轉為搖滾音樂路線。Leslie深思熟慮的說道:『這音樂蘊藏著某些東西,它是真正的情感、真正的喜悅、真正的激情和真正的希望,這些都是我一直渴望得到的。搖滾樂給予我奇妙、驚訝的感覺;它提供了夢想和一條直接的渠道給我去實現那個夢想。』。 接下來的一首令Leslie贏取到金唱片的榮譽的歌曲<Stand Up>,正好印證了他的新音樂路線。Leslie不僅繼承了搖滾樂的傳統,成為它的支持者,還令這音樂再次在樂壇活躍起來。

     Leslie also became an international star at this time, performing in concerts overseas.  In the Vancouver Expo ';86 he preformed as guest of honour on Hong Kong Day, July 18th.  The concert was not scheduled to start until 10:30 p.m.  But people began queuing for the show in the early morning.  Letters, poems and gifts for Leslie were passed in through the stage door.  Fans who could not get a seat yelled with disappointment.  Glamour shots of Leslie were projected onto eight large screens that hung from the ceiling.

此時Leslie 已成為了國際巨星,先後在國外多處地方舉行了多塲的演唱會。他擔任了在7月18日在“溫哥華世界博覽會';86”舉行的“香港日”的表演嘉賓。雖然音樂會於10:30 p.m.才開始,但人們已在當天的清晨時間,開始排隊等候進場。送給Leslie的大量信件和禮物,充滿了前往舞台門口的通道。未能進塲觀看偶像演出的歌迷,只能失望地大聲的叫苦。是夜,Leslie充滿魅力的演出顯影在八個自天花板懸垂下來的巨型屏幕上。

     Leslie was stimulated by the warm support he got from the audience.  He danced, skipped, hopped, slid and stomped around the stage.  When the arena lights went down the audience shrieked with excitement.  He sang Restless Breeze, Black Is the Night, Stand Up and many others.  He touched the most intimate feelings of the audience, who joined in actively, and stood up when he sang Stand Up.  People began to call Leslie the Michael Jackson of Hong Kong.

Leslie得到觀眾們的熱烈支持和激勵。他以輕巧的跳躍、起勁的舞步、悄悄滑行或重踏的步法,舞遍了台上每一個角落。每當舞台上的燈光照射向台下的觀眾時,他們都會興奮得尖叫起來。他唱了<風繼續吹>,<黑色午夜>,<Stand Up>和多首歌曲。Leslie和台下的觀眾打成一遍,觸發起他們熾熱的情緒。當演唱至<Stand Up>的時候,觀眾們更情不自禁的站了起來和他一起唱和。人們開始稱Leslie為香港的 Michael Jackson。

     In August of the same year Leslie was invited to perform in a Japanese Charity Show.  In September be appeared in the September Sydney Concert in Australia.  And it was in Australia that Leslie teamed up with Anita Mui.  In October he appeared in the concert held in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Hong Kong.


     Now, at thirty, Leslie has developed into a real adult.  He has come to terms with life.  His look have matured, but his thinking has matured even more.  He has a more sophisticated image now, though his fans still range from the very young to the elderly.  His coming records will contain songs aimed at a mature audience.  His plan is to win all the hearts in Hong Kong.



参与人数 1荣币 +100 交易积分 +50 收起 理由
+ 100 + 50 用心的帖子,很珍贵:)


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-22 15:54:00 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 01:01:30 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 07:54:33 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 09:05:08 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 11:22:19 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 13:02:56 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

LESLIE是忧郁的,固执而又热诚.这些性格特征在他为成为明星而奋斗的起初八年里给他带来了不少麻烦."我们每个人都想生存,能在演艺圈里生存下来本身就是一个不小的成绩",LESLIE 说.为了取得成功他必须改善自己的性格并学会妥协.
LESLIE的童年并不幸福.';没什么值得回忆的",他告诉大家,他生于1956年9月12日,成长在一个小而破裂的家庭(怀疑这里应该是big but broken family)家人不大关心他,和他最亲近的是他的保姆,"我渴望爱,我那时候总是孤独地一个人." 我没有享受过来自父亲或者母亲的保护,我现在只希望能够得到平静的生活" 谈起他的童年,LESLIE这样说.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-23 13:32:12 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

由於時間不足﹐未能即時把全文翻譯過來,讓大家看過痛快,真的對不起! 稍後如有時間,我會把譯文貼上來。
发表于 2005-10-23 13:39:02 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

太好了,谢谢楼主,那我就不继续献丑了.从没连续打过这么多字. :)
发表于 2005-10-23 14:59:47 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-23 15:07:02 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-10-25 20:44:49 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-07 00:20:10 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-11-07 01:00:14 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

发表于 2005-11-07 14:14:14 | 显示全部楼层

18年前的英文課外書-POP STARS IN HONG KONG (已附中文譯文)

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