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发表于 2006-05-13 17:33:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear leslie,0 N9 ?  B' k0 F$ O" [; s% C
      I love  you,I honstely love you.  I3 [$ B* }- d' \3 J4 ~
      Do you know that you are the first man I want to kiss?/ N3 l2 t: v  L2 k4 N% u$ o# F
     When I saw you at first sight,I have loved  deeply.At that monment,I have known that you are just the man I am waitting for and  finding.You wii be my best lover forever.You are going to  be the most man in my rest life.For you,I can give up anything,including my life.
% g; A" c; t3 J& j7 h    Do you know that you are  really very prefect,you are too prefect to let me believe that you are a common man,I always think you  don';t belong here,you will leave one day,I can';t catch you.I am afraid that will come true one day.- E' x0 |2 ~' v) j$ S; W' ]* [; h
    But if leaving can make you happy,I  think I will let you leave. Because it is most I care.I also know that I won';t forgetten you forever.Becaue you have made too deeply impression on my heart.& \: o; v- o; o/ w6 Y: k
     I  tried  not to  love  you any longer before,but I failed.I found that  it was very difficult,even impossibe for men  not to  love  you.
' _+ j9 q, z/ x) E    Do you know that  you  are very lovely,really.You  really very like a simple  child.Your smile is really very sweet.Your smile always makes my heart warm and brings me happiness.When I see  your smile,I always will forget all  things,even breath.
) f5 ?7 {9 ]! b$ L) H$ `    Before  never one can affect me,you are the first.when I see anything sad in  you eyes or faces,I will become very sad,do you know how much I want I can be you,I can help you.
) b/ T, f6 p5 t    You shoud be happy, a day an hour, a minute or a second,I won';t hope you are sad.+ y) p4 v$ u+ t
    You are an angel,you are my god.You  are my   most loviong man  ,you are the only man in my heart.I  always think you are the best present the god gave me.
0 O* |. L9 W" w4 {4 L. d, a( N# Y     I ';d like to be with you forever.I won';t say goodbye to you.Really,it';s my biggest dream forever." c& \7 ]( M. c* J2 t( ^% o8 R
  I know it is selfish,but I can';t have me have the idea like this.I really very want to be with forever.,Although I only  can be a dog ,a cat or others,I all be willing to.
- P+ t; i6 D, Z  L1 r     It will be best if I can be you loving woman.I will love you by my whole life.Let you become the happiest man in the world.
, Z/ ~' F. H/ _6 U+ j    If the god can give a wish,I will tell him that I don';t want toget anything expect you.0 b2 }8 X$ a! l2 F6 Z9 i$ o1 N! {; U
    I beg you ,can  you give me a  chance to  take care of you?Let you happy forever?I believe I can.I can bring happiness to you.: o' ^1 }2 B0 E, k9 k$ _2 S
   Let me dance with you,do your partner forever,ok?
( C8 j' L" _. h% O2 n) b& y    Write sntences which  only belongs us,ok? 0 @5 K" C' n( T; ?/ R/ l
   At last ,I stii want you  to know that I honestly love you.you are my best lover forever.My love to  you  won';t * t! Y2 f+ W7 ^
chang forever.    5 `* |' U: I- z5 ^* d. S" h
               The woman who most love
& g& y9 }& L) c; ?9 x" X9 R6 V                                      送给乖乖, l  d$ j* C% g; |, [4 o
                         ; u) _' n- x" F! R5 D7 Z; q
发表于 2006-05-13 18:20:42 | 显示全部楼层


楼主果然厉害~~~!!!( \3 h" ]4 Q7 n
 楼主| 发表于 2006-06-16 17:44:56 | 显示全部楼层


, n- g6 x& ?  ?9 ?1 G真爱难寻.) Q* a; x$ n! ~8 U8 C; G
1 Y) s& e8 E6 W) R1 w1 G万般不由人.
3 N% c# e7 W+ _+ u! ?/ d: h, {追逐半生,, i1 w1 Z# i% \
# O8 l: _0 O+ U4 I6 B! ^' E蓦然回首,
4 e6 m- v# O& b7 c伊人在水一方.6 |* G% h! d; M% g5 o
  A# }; e. s* }) b; c2 F+ c  Q倾我至诚,
* b) V( d( w0 m8 T: w/ @6 ^对你讲一声:"I love you,I love you."# z; E! a/ P4 L1 Z+ P% a" j/ I
愿意一生让你高兴.4 j3 H$ e0 M# N2 _( |
唯愿做你肋骨,, n4 h" f' `4 ]4 a* x- ~3 z( ]# u) s9 A
永伴左右.: o# V# r5 @2 F' G" u
! c9 @  s$ U" f3 _3 W2 A9 p7 _$ T; C地也荒,
7 Y$ o( u" Z+ O( U" b' b唯愿此情永不老.) M. y3 f* X" s/ c# _4 P2 R
望君知晓.- S$ S- c1 p% c* A
执子之手,与子偕老.: ^4 J- Y9 j' s; u1 \! c
幸也,福也!4 t- `" v2 h1 P9 t; p4 e
人生若此,夫复何求?8 w( w% \4 e0 M2 x4 e$ y
! L0 n- a& U& B7 Q7 _& `) _望君应承.9 d9 C- m5 W7 ^4 `) d
人生路漫漫,- |- L3 e) x) c4 J: a
唯愿伴君共走,6 t- [; e+ C7 H$ U+ |0 L' c% R
一直走,一直走,) M9 n, M% e3 p0 J
. D1 U# j$ t( O8 H7 K2 o此志不渝!!!!
8 y' W3 J( m. s7 P
发表于 2006-06-16 19:29:21 | 显示全部楼层


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