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[这个贴子最后由善h127在 2003/08/13 03:58pm 第 1 次编辑]
Not a word does the cloud-kissing mountain say,yet everyone looks up at her in admiration.
Not a moment would the fly stop humming,yet everyone means to keep it silent forever.
Silence is not weakness in a debate . Instead it is respect to the opponent and authority in silence.
Silence sometimes is more expressive than the words.
To a broken heart silenceis not indifference.
It is tender sunshine to the flower and quiet soil to the seed.
Silence is just the moment between the sight of lightning and the roar of thunder.
这是一篇我在书上看到的关于沉默的文章。哥哥的沉默胜过一些人的千言万语,真的是沉默是金呐! |